11 – 30 September 2024

Düsseldorf Festival!
The Festival for Performing Arts


Portrait des Düsseldorfer Oberbürgermeisters Dr. Stephan Keller

“Once again, festival directors Christiane Oxenfort and Andreas Dahmen and their team have succeeded in organising a festival that inspires and makes you think.”

Dr. Stephan Keller, Lord Mayor City of Düsseldorf (2023)

“The two festival organisers, Christiane Oxenfort and Andreas Dahmen, demonstrated a seismographic feel for forward-looking art forms early on, which we also support as a state. With New Circus and Urban Dance, they have been able to score points with audiences year after year and make the festival an increasingly established fixture in North Rhine-Westphalia.”

Ina Brandes, Minister for Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (2023)
Portrait Bürgermeisterin Clara Gerlach

“As an annual event, the Düsseldorf Festival! not only attracts local artists and cultural professionals, but also presents international talent in the fields of theatre, music, dance and visual arts. The festival offers a diverse platform for innovative and contemporary art forms that enrich the city’s cultural landscape.”

Clara Gerlach, Mayor City of Düsseldorf (2023)

We are happy about every donation

Despite great sponsors and long-standing partners, as a non-profit organisation we are dependent on donations.

Would you also like to contribute to the success of the Düsseldorf Festival? Every donation helps us a lot.

Aussicht auf den Rhein vom Düsseldorfer Burgplatz, mit Blick auf das Festivalzelt.

Das Festivaljahr 2024

11.000 Saiten, Klangforum Wien
Die Intendanten des Düsseldorf Festivals Andreas Dahmen und Chrstiane Oxenfort vor einem Sponsoren Banner

Auch in der 34. Festivalsaison erleben wir internationale Produktionen, treffen auf alte Bekannte und lernen spannende Neuentdeckungen kennen. Gerade in einer Zeit, in der es scheint, als seien Leichtigkeit, Sorglosigkeit, Neugier und Unbeschwertheit nicht in greifbarer Nähe, tut es gut, sich den schönen Dingen zu widmen. Und diese wollen wir mit Ihnen teilen. Wir können so viel meistern, wenn wir zusammenhalten. Solidarität, Respekt und die Liebe zur Vielfalt ist das, was uns verbindet – und was unser Programm beeinflusst. Elf international hochkarätige Highlights haben wir für Sie ausgewählt.

Artistin Cirkus Cirkör Knitting Peace

Stay up
to date

Can be experienced
at several venues

We are looking for talents like you

  • Internship in marketing and social media (m/f/d)

    8.7. - 5.10.2024

    We are looking for a marketing and social media intern to support the festival team from 8 July to 5 October 2024.

  • Night guard (m/f/d)

    11.9. - 30.9.2024

    Your main task as a night guard is to monitor the monitors on the festival site. Our permanent team will guide you and be at your side.

  • Volunteering

    2.9. - 2.10.2024

    To complete our canteen team, we would be delighted to welcome more volunteers and kitchen enthusiasts who are passionate about bringing our canteen to life for artists and staff.